“I’m a Road Runnah”

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Quoting M.I.A. means I must be having fun, right?  Right.  While I missed Monday’s run due to a weird fever thing with flu-like symptoms, I was back out again yesterday and had a blast with a new routine.  First off, my foot was feeling much better; most likely a mix of being off of it for four days and having acupuncture.  My acupuncturist also gave me stick-on needle/magnets that I’ve been wearing so I’ll try to get some pics of those for the next entry.  Between happier feet and perfectly mild weather with a touch of sprinkles, I had great conditions for my run.

This was a very different routine.  I wasn’t watching the clock or shooting for distance, I was really shooting for fun.  I walked five minutes as a warmup and then took off at a fast but pleasant pace; I’d say about 70-80% of what I had.  My strides were long and I felt tall and powerful.  After a couple minutes my breathing did catch up with me so I slowed to a light jog and then transitioned back to walking.  I basically followed this flow throughout the workout and aimed to outright run through every field and then slow down in the winding brush areas.

I had the privilege of having not one but two adorable labs with me, Toby and Maggie.  I actually outran them during a few of the times that I really took off; it really confused the hell out of them!  Have I mentioned lately how much I love running with dogs?  I highly recommend it.I felt like I took it easy yesterday but I sweat much more than usual so the good news is that it was definitely a workout!  I only went two miles, and I’m OK with that considering I’m still feeling a little under the weather and this was a new type of workout for me.  I will say that I’m reminded now of why I loved sprinting and jumping events in High School; I really love going FAST!  While I enjoyed challenging myself with the distance runs, this new routine seems to be re-motivating me and I can say with all honesty that I really truly had fun with it; not just fun that I finished a goal.

I’m probably going to play again tomorrow with this new workout.  Eventually, I’d like to develop a plan to increase my speeds or maintain the faster speed with a longer distance.  I feel that if I don’t set goals it’ll be too easy to slack off and I would like to find a nice mix between the workouts feeling like play but also increasing my strength and getting me in shape.  I’m open to ideas, as always!

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  1. E.Bleak  June 17, 2010

    I’ve already got a goal lined up to train for once I’m done with C25K – I want to integrate 45min. fartleks into my routine. (Sprinting is awesome but largely out of my reach right now.) People keep asking me why I want to push for what’s usually just a training run, and all I can say is “because it has the word FART in the name.” And it’s true, I will get a huge kick out of saying “fartlek” at any given opportunity, but any reason to improve is a good one, right?

    Can I borrow a dog, BTW? I see a guy on my route who jogs with his three pit bulls and they all look like they are having a blast. I don’t think my cat would enjoy it quite so much.

    • BarefootInVermont  June 17, 2010

      Yeah, I’m basing my training on Fartleks. I wouldn’t say I was sprinting yesterday, but definitely running fast.

      Hah, if you ever want to run around the Mad River I know *plenty* of dogs you can borrow. 😉

      Happy running!