Day 90!!! 8100 Burpees, 64 Miles and Noticing a Change!

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Holy shit, you guys, as of about 10 minutes ago, when I completed my last 10 burpees of the day, I officially completed my 90 day challenge!!!  90 burpees a day for 90 days?  DONE!!!!!

This challenge ended up being a great kick-start into more regular exercise, and really pushing what my body could do.  I started running daily again, have been committed to doing Zuzka workouts 6 days a week, completed a 5-mile obstacle course and have been eating extremely healthy along with finally having my food allergies diagnosed.  My body has changed a lot over the past 90 days and while I still have a ways to go I wanted to finally share a pic of my progress.  I’m taking a deep breath as I share this, but here goes (note, I didn’t start taking pics until late Feb, a month into the challenge)…


Woot to noticeable change!!  My plan going forward is to do Zuzka workouts, or other HIIT in the morning.  I’ve switched my running to mid-day now that the weather has gotten better, any my pup is very appreciative of the exercise.  I’m also learning to do pull-ups and will be heading back out to the obstacle course in mid-May.  Any other ideas for a good challenge?  Let me know!


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  1. Tessa  June 18, 2013

    Hello! I am part of an event taking place next month at Stratton Mountain resort called “The Extreme Wolverine Challenge”. It is a 6 mile run with 18-20 military obstacles along the way. I’d love to talk to you more about being involved in the event somehow! Email me back if you are interested and you can check out more about the event here:

    • BarefootInVermont  June 18, 2013

      Hey Tessa! I checked out the site and it looks awesome! Unfortunately, I already have plans to be camping that weekend but thanks so much for the invite! I hope you guys have a great time!!