Holy shit, you guys, as of about 10 minutes ago, when I completed my last 10 burpees of the day, I officially completed my 90 day challenge!!! 90 burpees a day for 90 days? DONE!!!!!
This challenge ended up being a great kick-start into more regular exercise, and really pushing what my body could do. I started running daily again, have been committed to doing Zuzka workouts 6 days a week, completed a 5-mile obstacle course and have been eating extremely healthy along with finally having my food allergies diagnosed. My body has changed a lot over the past 90 days and while I still have a ways to go I wanted to finally share a pic of my progress. I’m taking a deep breath as I share this, but here goes (note, I didn’t start taking pics until late Feb, a month into the challenge)…
Woot to noticeable change!! My plan going forward is to do Zuzka workouts, or other HIIT in the morning. I’ve switched my running to mid-day now that the weather has gotten better, any my pup is very appreciative of the exercise. I’m also learning to do pull-ups and will be heading back out to the obstacle course in mid-May. Any other ideas for a good challenge? Let me know!
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