1620 Burpees Down, Let’s Start Running!

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I think I must be insane.  I mean, I have to be a crazy person.  I’m doing these 90 burpees a day along with a Zuzka workout once a day and now on top of that I’m running a mile a day.  Honestly, when I put it like that it doesn’t sound that crazy; an olympian practicing hours a day definitely has me beat.  But for me, it’s A LOT and I’M SORE, but I’m sticking with it.

I added in the mile run because I’m honestly not at all happy with my lack of weight loss on my current program.  My nutrition is nice and stable at this point with a good mix of fruits, veggies lots of protein and light on carbs/dairy/gluten/sugar.  I’m not looking to lose a lot of weight but I have about 20-30lbs more fat than I think is my ideal healthy-level.  I totally understand muscle weighs more, but it’s clear to me in the past few weeks that I’m focused more on strength training than cardio and I need a better mix.

Running this time of year is depressing to me.  I have a treadmill, whooptidoo.  I could run outside but with my Vibrams + living in Vermont that’s a very cold proposition.  So I’m stuck on the treadmill until the snow melts unless I get crazy enough for barefoot winter running, which I know some people do.

Not much new on the nutrition side so I have no new fun recipes to share today.  Instead, I’m wondering what your favorite healthy recipes are?  And if you have a Vitamix what are some of your favorite things to make?

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  1. facepalmword  February 21, 2013

    http://www.injinji.com/ !!!!

    Looks like you’ve got KSO’s, so get a thicker toesock and you should be fine running outside.