Raising The Bar

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I started week two of C25K this week. So far it’s noticeably easier this time around and I feel that’s a testament to how my level of fitness has increased over the years. It’s also a huge help that I’ve kept up with a daily yoga practice. My legs were sore last week but daily stretching with yoga, plus a longer class on Thursday night, has really helped make the soreness barely noticeable. This week I also upped my ...

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WTF Workout?!

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August has been a pretty crazy month for me, but while my blog entries cooled down, my workouts continued to fire up!  I’ve been traveling a lot, which means my routine has needed to shift to accommodate my locale.  

The first adventure was a five day intensive Lomilomi retreat.  Lomilomi is a style of Hawaiian massage that I’ve been studying for about two years now.  This was my third class and it was incredibly inspiring.  I knew that I would ...

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Sweat and Smoothies

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Well it may have been too long since the last time I wrote, but the workouts haven’t stopped and neither has the healthy eating!  My original workouts are starting to really kick my ass.  Exhibit A:Image
This was after today’s workout, which is the last one on the list here.  It’s the first time I’ve done box jumps and now I understand the fuss.  They feel ...
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36 Days, 3240 Burpees, 16 Miles, and Bargaining with Yourself

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Are you the type of person who has an inner monologue that you make bargains with?  “If I run a mile I can eat a slice of pizza.”  “If I get home before 5 I’ll do my workout, otherwise I’m just cooking dinner.”  Chances are the answer is “yes”, because you’re human (or you’re a dog who learned how to read, good job).  We all make little bargains with ourselves and while I’m using exercise and diet as examples, bargaining ...

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33 Days, 2970 Burpees, 13 Miles and a delicious new smoothie!

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On top of my normal workouts I headed out to hike Elmore mountain today with my man and my trusty pup.  While the grey days of winter really seem to stretch on far too long, today was one of those special Vermont days when the weather was fair and the mountain tops were covered in a fresh dusting of snow.  It really was a beautiful hike and it’s a shame I didn’t think to snap a picture.

Afterwards we were starving! ...

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1200 down, 6900 to go & Warrior Food is not my friend

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I finally did the math.  It’s not like it was hard, I just didn’t want it staring me in the face.  So far I’ve done 1200 burpees (60 more to do today), which means I have 6900 to go and will have completed 8100 burpees by the end of my 90 day challenge.  That’s assuming, of course, that I finish.  But I BETTER finish!  

I finally gave Warrior Food another try today and I’m sticking with my “C” rating.  At ...

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