Healthy Dessert Time

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I just got back from an inspiring yoga retreat in Costa Rica! It felt so good to take the time to practice yoga and meditation with a group of amazing women while soaking up the sun and local culture. Now that I’m back in chilly Boston, with yet another storm snowing me in, I’m enjoying spending a couple of days cooking, cleaning and grounding myself.

We were particularly blessed on this journey to have an amazing team of personal ...

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Let’s Do Brunch!

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Oh gosh, I’m so behind in posts so let’s start with something tasty! First, a quick update on fitness. I had a BLAST climbing in Central Rock Gym’s The Heist bouldering competition at the end of September. My knee has been doing great and it didn’t bug me at all during the comp. If you’d like to see highlights from my climbs check out my video below (note, I was climbing in the Beginner’s Division as I’m still a ...

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Steak and Exercise

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I got a good cardio workout in today, plus those evil PT exercises:

Time: 1:15

  1. Leg lift series (wearing 5 lb ankle weights on each ankle, per PT):
    Single-leg-lift-crunches x 30 each side
    Side leg-lifts x 30 each side
    Lying on stomach, lift one leg back, foot pointed x 30 each side
  2. 30 mins cycling, using Random intervals, average level 8.
  3. 30 mins swimming laps.

I was feeling all that cardio today, more-so than earlier in the week. I greatly enjoyed a little nap afterwards. 🙂

As ...

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All About The Juice, Part 1

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Back in January I made a large post on cleansing. Spring is often a valuable time to cleanse to help the body make the transition from winter hibernation mode, which often involves indulging in comfort foods and drink, to the Spring Cleaning mode of enjoying more light and activity. As I mentioned in my post, there are several types of cleanses. Since I keep a fairly “clean” diet due to my food allergies, I decided to go with one ...

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My (Paleo) Meatloaf Brings All The Boys To The Yard

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When I was a child I thought that meatloaf was a a gross hunk of meat loaded with fat, carbs and cholesterol and covered in ketchup; gross. As an adult, I’ve learned that meatloaf is one of the easiest dishes to make and be creative with. It can also be an excellent source of protein AND veggies. Oh, and did I mention it’s comforting and delicious?

In all the meatloaves I’ve made, I’ve somehow managed to never make the same one twice. ...

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Since coming back from the Lomilomi retreat, I’ve been trying to cook more vegetarian meals for dinner.  My goal is eating vegetarian 3-4 times per week.  This is challenging since I really enjoy getting a lot of protein and don’t enjoy the gassiness from most legumes but I’m giving it a go.  Since I’m also dairy-free, most of my veg meals are vegan, though I do use ghee or eggs in some of my dishes.  It is not my intent ...

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Day 48, 4320 Burpees, 25 Miles, Healthy Meatloaf!

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I’m past the halfway point on my 90 day challenge and the burpees are starting to get easier, but they’re still pretty terrible.  My running is getting better and yesterday I was really reminded how much I prefer running outside to running on a treadmill.

ImageI hadn’t been running outside due to my extreme distaste of the cold.  Ok, maybe not “extreme”, I mean I do live in ...

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