Amazon Warrior

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Wowza, what an adventure!  My run on Monday was more like a run through an Amazon jungle than a trail-run in Vermont.  Sunday night brought torrential downpours to the Mad River Valley that continued through Monday morning.  Honestly, given the high heat and unbearable humidity I was really hoping the rain would hold up and shower me during the run.  However, by the time I set out around 12:30 the skies had turned rust-colored and sun was hazily spreading across ...

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Running Through Clouds Slows Me Down

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Wow, the weather really effects my runs!  Wednesday was extremely humid.  I thought I was being smart by waiting for the major showers to head out but most of the week has been humid with rolling showers and thunderstorms.  It could have been worse, I could have been running on Thursday during the intermittent torrential downpours, though that honestly may have felt better than the thick condensed air that I sludged through on Wednesday.

I’ve mentioned that I have some allergies ...

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Short n’ Sweet

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Oh poor ignored blog!  I apologize for my lack of regular entries.  Due to some family complications my writing schedule has been a little off.  Luckily, my running has been right on schedule!

I can’t believe how much I’ve improved in just four workouts.  The past three runs have been 1.58 miles (I’m sticking to the same path) and I’m continuing to run quickly through the fields and slow down to a light jog or fast walk around the wooded areas. ...

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“I’m a Road Runnah”

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Quoting M.I.A. means I must be having fun, right?  Right.  While I missed Monday’s run due to a weird fever thing with flu-like symptoms, I was back out again yesterday and had a blast with a new routine.  First off, my foot was feeling much better; most likely a mix of being off of it for four days and having acupuncture.  My acupuncturist also gave me stick-on needle/magnets that I’ve been wearing so I’ll try to get some pics of ...

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RubiTrack vs. Runkeeper

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This entry brings good news, bad news, and more tech-talk.  First off, a big “Thanks!” goes out to Lillian for suggesting the RunKeeper app as an alternative to Rubitrack.  RunKeeper is another GPS-enabled iPhone app that, like RubiTrack, maps my runs, lets me know my pace and estimates how many calories I’ve burned.  With the Pro version, which I have not tried yet, it also includes coaching encouragement during exercises and built-in iPod support.

I mentioned last week that ...

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Nike+ Gets a Big Fat Minus

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Over the passed week I proved unequivocally that the Nike+ program is way under-tracking my runs.  Before I get into my little analysis, I do want to be clear that this could be due to a bad sensor (keep in mind I bought it open-box for $2) or it could be poor sensor placement.  I have friends who swear by Nike+ and love it, but after my experience I’ve found something I like better and that seems more consistent for ...

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C25K W9D2+D3; aka I Have Made Couch-2-5K My Bitch!

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While the week got away from me blogging-wise, I stayed right on top of the running schedule and completed Couch-2-5K!!  Woo-hooo!!!  The last two runs were awesome and my last run took me farther than any previous run which means not only am doing well with the 30-minute duration, but I’m running faster and farther!

Wednesday’s run was not as phenomenal as Fridays due to extremely high humidity which slowed me down a bit, but I couldn’t have asked for ...

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C25K W9D1, Vibram’s Day 22

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I RAN 5K, YOU GUYS!!  Honestly, I think I ran more than 5K because that’s based on a 10-minute mile and I think I’m going faster than that; more on that later.  That aside, Memorial Day was the big day for my first 30-minute run and it went so well I celebrated with a two mile walk down a river and then some unexpected climbing.

Memorial Day was gorgeous, albeit a bit smokey from the Quebec Wildfires.  My allergies had ...

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C25K W8D2+D3, Vibram’s Day 20 +21

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It’s a twofer!  The VT Biz Expo ate the middle of my week so while the running was still right on target, I didn’t quite find time for the blogging.

I had two very different runs for my last days of week 8.  Both were 28 minutes but they took place in very different weather conditions.  Day two was full of fail.  It was Wednesday and the temperatures were predicted to be in the 90’s; this is Vermont, right?!  I decided ...

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C25K W8D1, Vibram’s Day 19

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Yesterday wins as being my most awesome run ever!  It was a hot one, 86˚ and humid, and I wasn’t looking forward to running in the direct mid-day sun.  However, Owen, Toby and I braved it and I really took advantage of the Vibram Fivefingers flexibility!

This was a 28 minute run; just three minutes longer than the previous week.  We headed out on the West side of the Mad River Path and I was grateful for the shade that the ...

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